Helen Robinson
MBBs Dip(PG) MBACP Accred Dip Health Psychology
I am an integrative counsellor with extensive experience of working in mental health, with physical health issues and with older people. I believe that the therapeutic relationship is central to healing and that as everyone is an individual so that there is no set pattern to listening. I tailor my model to fit each client. This I do by working with each individual in a person-centred way. I find out the issues and life stages of my clients. I work creatively, perhaps with art or buttons, compassion focussed, both Humanistic and Christian (depending on the person’s own beliefs and ideas) and by using coaching techniques all together integrated into this tailored model. I have BACP accreditation.
I have over 15 years’ experience in mental health – Richmond Borough Mind, Twining Enterprise and as a trustee and facilitator for a local mental health self help group. I can offer counselling to clients currently on antidepressants because of this and have just finished CBT and want to know what to do next. I can also offer counselling to people going through employment issues, health issues, or who are older people using a short-term model of 6 weeks. Normally when I initially see my clients, I contract them to work with me for at least 6 weeks to start with and look to extend it depending on their needs to longer term therapy. We can discuss this together.
I currently have a few time slots available at the weekend and are available to see people on a Thursday in Richmond Borough. My fees are generally £40 to £50 for 50 minutes with a fee for the initial appointment which will be in a counselling setting. I don’t take BACS in most cases but will accept cash and cheques.